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R?f?rence incontest?e since opus 7, NBA 2 K offers this ann?e a little fantasy. In fact, the simulation of basketball, arriv?e ? impressive qualitative level heals her background in retaining the services of an NBA l?gende: Michael Jordan. New modes, d?fis hard-core and cladding of choice accompanied by the signature of the Bulls the more c?l?bre history. When we are approaching the top level, when it succeeds ? produce a gameplay also r?aliste, sharp and ?litiste, it becomes difficult to propose innovative r?ellement content ann?es. D?j? hyper complete, technically impressive, cr?dible at possible ambience extr?mement near TV retransmission dot?, s?rie NBA 2 K poss?de a margin progress plut?t r?duite on this g?n?ration machines. As a result, no wait for r?volution in terms of ownership or m?canismes gameplay never seen m?me if major efforts have made ?t? to correct rigidit? constat?e pr?c?dents components. No, this ann?e, the nouveaut? is Michael Jordan, omnipr?sente point 23 of the Bulls num?ro appear only on the jacket brand it m?me estampill?e "Michael 23 Jordan".But arri?re am?ricain pr?sence is not only advertising, the snowman takes place in the game, in the content in the gameplay ? through new original ways.
?poque floors are the classic 90 ann?es ?quipes pr?sents.
Michael Jordan and the Bulls, two identit?s are inseparable. The cons?quence is set of eight classic ?quipes bulls, the appearance of 1985 ? 1998. Paxson, Pippen, Grant, Harper, Rodman is that found in those who have the m?rite remind ?ge gold ?quipes and diff?rentes ?poques o? Chicago ?quipe brill? l?gendes. To keep a little coh?rence in this world of nostalgic, NBA 2 K 11 account other classic teams to ?talant on m?me p?riode, so that you do shine the Bulls face ? past adversaries. Hawks 85-86, 89-90 Celtics, the Cavaliers and the Lakers 89-90, 90-91 Pistons, the Trail Blazers 91-92, the Knicks 94 - 95, 95-96 Sonics and the jazz and 96-97 97-98 are therefore all moods. A Jordan team whose major 5 is compos? ma?tre floors, Chris Paul, Dwayne Wade, Carmelo Anthony and Gerald Wallace, ?galement original ?quipe office.Total is 20 training suppl?mentaires offered us, mainly for those who regret ann?es 90.Moreover, it appr?ciera with what habilet? the d?veloppeurs have dessin? floors for 15 or 20 years ago to once again, to propose a Visual rendering of the most reliable. Hat.
My player is more complete, but above all a bit simpler than pr?c?dente ?dition.
Michael Jordan fans go ?tre served. NBA 2 K 11 provides them a 10 d?fis s?rie which, once r?ussis, d?bloquent new "DJ: A l?gende in action". We cannot comment on the question mode, time we manqu? has to complete the famous d?fis, and for good reason! In addition to extended quite significantly dur?e life (it is not simple situations or short sessions), the d?fis is r?v?lent entr?e tr?s hard-core! Assuming that the difficult? is progressive, visit account premi?re mission which is confi?e is Mark 63 points with a 50% ? r?ussite r?ussir 6 passes d?cisives in the meeting (1st round of the playoffs, match 2) has the Bulls to the Celtics oppos? on April 20, 1986.You understand it, is expected of you at least as much as what was r?ussi Jordan this l? day!?videmment, the environment is so param?tr? ? to be r?alisable. For example, the dur?e quarter-time is mont?e ? 8 minutes against d?faut 5. But malgr? this t?che n?cessite some ma?trise game and in this sense, being able to save in a full match to come back later is a fonctionnalit? only on b?nit. As a ?vidence latest feat ? accomplish is to win the match 6 98 final has oppos? Bulls to jazz, all by getting the next worksheet with Jordan: 45 points, 4 interceptions and 1 password d?cisive.
Casting-francs with the stick syst?me has renewed ?t?.
With any ?a is in forgotten almost NBA 2 K 11 isn't enti?rement d?di? ? Michael Jordan and that any content that is available since some ann?es is at the rendezvous.Association, Blacktop NBA championships in line, Playoffs, season, situation, Entra?nement are always l? as well as my player r?actualis? mode and the difficult? seems us significantly inf?rieure ? pr?c?dente version.It allows among others see nouveaut?s gameplay that are not really. It is mainly the syst?me of dribbling IsoMotion has ?t? modifi? and am?lior? of fluidity int?rieures p?n?trations significantly. NBA Live habitu?s will for example be d?concert?s see that here one dribble with the stick is the d?placements utilis?. Para?tre a h?r?sie is in fact a formidable id?e since she asked ? user play constantly with the combo g?chette + left stick make coh?rents his dribbling and its d?placements.It gets what it is a more fluid always also end but d?sormais gameplay and a bit more offensive, retaining all m?me d?s?quilibre in favour of the d?fense l?ger. On the other hand, the animations remain bluffantes, contributing ? make this NBA 2 K 11 a r?f?rence out pairs all sports combined.
Rivaol, 08 October 2010
NBA 2 K 11 relies on a r?alisation top flight.Matches are ?tre v?cus pens?s as from a TV broadcast with all that this includes animations, r?alisation, comments and replays all kinds.Immerg? is in blatant v?rit?, rooms small d?tails bourr?es. Lumi?re effects impresses them too, just like the players own animations nicely d?compos?es.
Visual Concepts set address one again ? an audience of connoisseurs who takes pleasure ? play serr?s o? matches each d?fensive action and offensive must ?tre pens?e r?ussir upstream. However, malgr? this c?t? hard-core (of otherwise good pr?sent during Jordan d?fis), NBA 2 K 11 is less rigid than its a?n?s, including gr?ce ? a syst?me of dribbling really intuitive.As ? compatibilit? dualshock PlayStation Move, it is quite farcical because it requires to play with the move in the left hand and the joystick right hand...
Adding a menu "sp?cial Jordan" is not anecdotal since there are two dozen new ?quipes 10 d?fis, an additional mode and a packet of Air Jordan ? d?bloquer.The content base ?tant quite impressive d?j? solo and multi, it has more than national ?quipes!
English comments stick perfectly ? action and coupl?e to the cheers of the crowd, they cr?ent ambience authentic fort appr?ciable.
NBA 2 K 11 proves that a partnership with a star in the middle is not a large slot and publicit? issue.The image and the set of Michael Jordan are Gary exploit?s diff?rents modes which homage ? ?ge gold the arri?re and his ?quipe the bulls.In addition to this, the simulation of Visual Concepts reaches small ? small ? relax gr?ce ? a syst?me of dribbling tr?s although pens?.Beautiful r?aliste, exhilarating, NBA 2 K 11 maintains at the top which was more quitt? since long ann?es s?rie.And it is so much better!
Note the r?daction is an appr?ciation qualit? g?n?rale game but is not an average crit?res diff?rents arithm?tique.
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